Q&A with our team of therapists!

We decided to switch things a little this month and thought it wold be fun to learn more about how each of our therapists is spending their time during this pandemic. Here we go!


Andrea, how was the transition to working from home?

The transition to working from home was a bit odd at first. I found myself spending a lot of time just setting up a space at home where I could do everything. Spotify became my best friend with white noise and I even learned how to sign releases online when my scanner was giving me issues. I did thoroughly enjoy being in my house slippers in the midst of the chaos though.


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day?

In order to stay motivated/ engaged, I make sure I have a stuctured routine that allows me to “fill my own cup” before giving. I’m not much of *natural* morning person so I give myself the tools early in the morning to keep going (immediately drinking water, stretching, working out, and having a cup of tea).


What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the pandemic started

I’m feeling extremely grateful that in my own world things have been able to slow down. For anyone who knows me, knows I am always on the go. I keep a very busy schedule. Therefore I have been enjoying being present in making each one of my meals and feeling gratitude for everyone out there who still makes having fresh fruits and veggies at home possible. It’s difficult for me to say “what my least favorite part is” of a pandemic. I’ll keep it at that my heart feels for those who have been experiencing loss, financial difficulties, and dealing with the unknown and uncertainty of it all.


Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows

The only show I’ve been excited about has been Insecure. Other than that, I have found myself watching more movies than anything. Some of the movies I have recently watched have been on Netflix- Molly’s Game, Extraction, The Platform, Miracle in Cell #7, and LA Originals.


Andrea is a clinical social worker and has been working at BCS for almost a year now! You can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/andrea


Monica, how was the transition to working from home?

I have enjoyed working from home.


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day?

I still have a lot of work to do while at home so i make to do lists and get through it. I am also still going on emergencies. I am not a fan of the amount of exposure I’ve had.


What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the pandemic started

My least favorite part is my continuous worry about my loved ones. My favorite part is that I’ve gotten to workout more and eat healthier.


Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows


Greys anatomy



Monica is also a social worker, has been working at BCS since September 2019 and you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/monicabachabi

Ashley, how was the transition to working from home?

Transitioning from the office to my house has gone fairly well. I enjoy being home in-between sessions.


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day? I stay motivated and engaged by drinking lots of coffee :-)

What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the pandemic started? My favorite part of quarantine is more family time and my least favorite is not being able to go out to restaurants or seeing friends.

Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows 1) The Crown. 2) Chef's Table. 3) Black Mirror


Ashley is a clinical social worker, has been working at BCS for two years now and you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/ashley


Sam, how was the transition to working from home?

I am very happy to continue doing therapy from home, however, the transition took some time. I had to figure out how to rearrange my schedule and space so I would be able to do teletherapy sessions comfortably. It is still a challenge living and working in the same place and it took some time to build up my teletherapy stamina. I’m always trying to stay mindful of what I need to do for my own self-care during these times.


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day? Working out has been the constant positive that has helped keep me engaged throughout the day. Whether it is yoga, a workout class, or a long walk, these physical activities give me the energy to do therapy sessions and take on the day.

What has been your favorite and least favorite part since the quarantine started? My favorite part of quarantine is seeing people come together during trying times. I also enjoy sleeping in more. :) It's also difficult reading about or seeing on the news the number of people who are suffering and losing their lives from the virus. Not being able to spend time with my family and friends or travel has been a huge disappointment.

Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows Jack Ryan Peaky Blinders Unorthodox And of course, Bravo shows


Sam is a clinical professional counselor, she has been working at BCS for almost a year, you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/samantha

Naomi, how was the transition to working from home?

The transition was strange. Part of what I love about therapy is being in an actual room with my clients and building a safe space together for them to come and go, so it's definitely been an adjustment fostering some of that from my kitchen table!


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day? I try to get outside every day--for a jog, for a phone call, with a book--anything to get some fresh air and sunshine. Other things that help--doing yoga, Facetiming with people I love, and listening to what I need with compassion. Sometimes you do just need to spend the afternoon on the couch with Netflix, and not fighting that can pave the way for motivation later on!

What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the quarantine started My favorite part has been seeing all of the creative ways people have found to slow down, make meaning, and connect. My least favorite part is seeing the impact all of this is having on our physical and emotional wellbeing.

Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows Schitt's Creek, Dead to Me (season 2 just came out!), and I know this is not Netflix or Prime, but Superstore on Hulu feels like my comfort food of TV shows!


Naomi is a marriage and family therapist and has been working at BCS since February, you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/naomilevine

Stephanie, how was the transition to working from home?

Transition to working from home was definitely a challenge, but with any challenge comes change, so hopefully through the process I have come to learn how to be helpful to clients, even when not in the same room!


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day? Considering my days always look different, I try to keep some sense of routine throughout the days to help me stay motivated and focused on what I want to get done. This includes waking up at the same time every morning during the week, making it a goal to work out before I see clients to get in the right mental space, and eat meals roughly at the same time everyday! I have also found it helpful to get dressed and ready every morning like I would if I were working in the office, it helps me to feel a sense of normalcy.

What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the quarantine started My favorite thing about quarantine has probably been the time I save not having to drive to work every morning! My least favorite thing has been not being able to go out to eat and worrying about the health and safety of my family, my neighbors, and everyone around the world.

Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows

Outlander (Netflix), Insecure (Prime) and Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)


Stephanie is a marriage and family therapist and has been working at BCS for almost a year now, you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/stephanie

Emma, how was the transition to working from home?

The transition was made easier by setting up a special "therapy" corner in my home with my favorite books, puppets, play-doh, and other materials for sessions with clients. Also a white noise machine to ensure privacy and signify that I am not to be disturbed. Seeing clients over video is more challenging than in person (I thrive off of the "energy" and non-verbal feedback from clients, and that is harder to perceive when not in person).


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day? I schedule in time for a Zumba class 2x a week, have lunch (when our schedules overlap) and dinner with my husband every day, and take walks or bike ride outside.

What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the quarantine started My favorite part has been connecting back to my hobbies and not driving during rush hour on the Beltway! least favorite part has been not being able to see friends and family in person. I also miss going on Sunday outings to cute different towns around Maryland.

Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Shows Babies (mini docu-series), The Great British Baking Show, and all the old movies from when I was little on Disney+


Emma is a marriage and family therapist and has been working at BCS for 1.5 years, you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/emma

Ellie, how was the transition to working from home?

While a part of me is glad to have some time at home to catch up on things while also being able to still work, I also found it difficult to transition smoothly. The first week was nerve wracking with regards to making sure the technology on my end was working well so my clients and I could communicate as well as possible. After two weeks of teletherapy, things started to fall into place a little better and a new routine was developed.


How do you stay motivated/engaged during the day? I try my best to listen to my emotional and mental needs. There are days where I am very motivated and I am able to complete many tasks that I have been wanting to do around the home for a while. Other days, things may be a bit slower and I need to relax and do things I enjoy in order to avoid burnout and be able to be motivated later in the week.

What has been your favorite and less favorite part since the quarantine started My favorite part of the quarantine has been getting that extra time that I usually do not have while working in an office. However, I also find that because there is no clear separation of a work space and home space, I can continue to feel tired through the day even after completing work.

Name your 3 top Netflix/Prime Show During quarantine I have been mostly rewatching older sitcoms and watching movies. Two of my favorite movies so far have been Little Women and Emma!


Ellie is a marriage and family therapist and has been working at BCS for 1.5 years, you can learn more about her at https://www.bethesdacounselingservices.com/elham