Bethesda Counseling Services

Dedicated to Providing Emotional Support to Individuals, Couples and Families

Providing Your Family With the Best Care

Are you having difficulty connecting with your loved one? Are you experiencing a recent major life change? Are you having trouble sleeping or concentrating because of an unresolved family conflict or other stressor? Do you feel like there’s no room in your schedule to relax because you are always taking care of others or working on a never-ending “to-do list”? ​

Whether you have experienced a sudden unexpected event or you are going through a new change in your life, we can help!  We specialize in working with individuals, couples and families who are going through a challenging time in their life or are trying to make sense of negative experiences. We will guide you and emotionally support you through this stressful time to re-establish that personal power and control that you feel you have lost. It’s okay to ask for help, call us today so you can finally start taking care of yourself!

Here are some places to get started

Meet Our Team

If you are ready to get started please
fill out the new client intake